sheng! l’orgue à bouche, des dizaines de sons, des centaines de musiques
sheng! The Chinese mouth organ, multiple sounds, a multitude of music
The sheng, or Chinese mouth organ, is a historical instrument which surprisingly lends itself to modernity, with a repertoire defined by both the traditional and the contemporary. To welcome and encourage future works, we would first like to bring together a team of researchers, from France, Germany, Austria, China, Taiwan, and Japan, in the project orientated by the Institut Collegium Musicæ of Sorbonne Université, to investigate the historical background and different models of mouth-blown free reed instruments like the sheng, while exploring its repertoire, acoustical study, improvisational gestural analysis, fingering combinations, and notation. Our research will be accompanied by a series of seminars.
22 Seminars - 43 Presentations List
(Version October 2024)